Money - Time - Greatness - Life

- To change the world you must be able to think deeply and be still enough to receive deep ideas from.

- God, and not just that, you need a lot of money to fund the ideas.

- To achieve that, you need a lot of time.

- To be able to have a lot of time, you need a lot of money.

- To be able to have a lot of money, you need to deliver a lot of value.

- To deliver a lot of value, you need to have a lot of key professional skills and mentorship.

- To be able to have that level of skill, you need to invest a lot of time and hard work to improve yourself.

- To have the basic skills to build, you need to have an education.

- To get a quality education, you need good money.

- To get the money for education, you need a sponsor (Parent/Mentor/Guardian).

- For any of this to have relevance at all, you need to be alive.
Thank God for Life.

It's really that simple but here is a little more explanation:

There are three major types of people in Life, 

The first type is those born into great wealth and a great name. MONEY and a good NAME will fast-track the process above. People born into wealthy families with a good name usually find it much easier to change the world. Many of the world changers we know today were born to wealthy families and it's because Money gave them time to think deeply and clearly how to change the world and they also had the money to finance their ideas. Many of them could afford to drop out of school as a degree was not needed for the money and impact they wanted to make. Many examples: Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, Elon Musk, you can go as far back as alexander the great. A wealthy nation also produces more thought leaders, the environment is conducive for deeper thoughts because basic needs are catered for.

The second type is those who showed extreme diligence and excellence while in school, that plus God's favor opened doors for them to fast track through life to the top using scholarships, working in top organizations, etc. Meaning educational excellence helps especially when the parents who may not have been exactly rich still ensured the child got basic quality education. If you are in school be the best, be the very best. One thing to note though is that for them to be this good they usually sacrificed having a social life or playing sports etc, a fair trade. A few of them still did it all and came out on top, so know yourself.

The third type is those who became great without being from a wealthy family at all nor could they afford good education usually worked their socks off until someone by God's favor saw something special in them and invested in it. They usually became successful by sticking a relationship with a Mentor/Parent of great knowledge or means who believed in them and helped them through life. The mentor took the place of the parent and ensured the person became great, but these types of people still worked and showed impeccable character.

My message is that if you are a teenager reading this, do your best in school and be the best. If you are a youth reading this, begin to build yourself into a person of value and make smart financial investments so that when your children come they will have an easier road to greatness. If you are a parent of middle to high income reading this, ensure your child gets quality education no matter what it takes it will pay off, also teach them good character and hard work. If you are a parent with no money, ensure you instill a very hard-working ethic in your children and still send them to the most basic schools you can, allow them to dream big and wide, buy them books to read at home no matter how little to open their minds to the bigger world, they will thank you for it. If you are an adult in your 40s, 50s, or 60s and you think greatness is no more possible, think again KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) was a successful business founded by someone in his 60s so don't give up just yet.

"No one has any excuses because someone has produced a great impact from a worse position in life than yours. Your purpose awaits your price for its fulfillment, pay the price and it will birth greatness."

Finally in all things and in all levels remain a grateful person, to God, to Parents/Mentors, and to those who have blessed you along the way. 

When there is Life, there is hope (Ecc 9:4a). God bless.


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