The Circle Of Life

This post is by revelation of Gods spirit to me and my best friend. All glory to God for it.

It was in trying to understand how Jesus is both the beginning and the end that this revelation came forth. First important point to note is that we have viewed time wrongly, time is not a straight line instead its a circle. Jesus is the beginning of the circle and since its a circle its converged on Him being the end also.

Point two is that all our lives are also a mini circle of life. Some have bigger circles than others i.e they are destined to live longer than others. As a baby you start out unaware of your surroundings, unable to walk or talk well, you need to be taken care off by others etc and when you become very old you come back to this stage again before eventually dying. That's the circle of life at work.

Now here's the scary part. The Bible says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death but Gods gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus, what this means is sin reduced your circle of life gradually the more you sin until it gets to a point where 80 yrs has been reduced to 40 and you die young. But living Holy elongates your life to the predestined amount of years you were to live and maybe even more. Now if you were meant to live just 60 yrs which isn't a tragedy because its going to Heaven that matters in the end; anyways playing with sin can cut that to 30 and your repentance may come a little too late.

It is best to repent early and turn a new leaf early, because you don't know how much time you have left. God is Love but God is also principled and won't reduce His standards for anyone.

Abide in the vine (Christ Jesus) daily and you will be full of life, ask the Holy Spirit to invade you because time is short.

May God keep us in His Mercy in Jesus Name, Amen.


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