The Power of The Holy Communion
(From a discussion with Pastor Alpine as directed and taught by the Holy Spirit)
Please remember if you aren't living a life that reflects Christ and dwells consistently in the word and in trusting God in prayer then the physical communion will not be effective for your life, don't fool yourself.
John 6:53-54 “So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”
This post may be more understood by my African brothers and sisters, nevertheless, spiritual laws remain the same no matter where you stand on the earth.
If you've watched any movie that shows how the occult (Babalawo) or witches offer blood sacrifices you will notice they offered the blood of a human or an animal to an evil Spirit, chanted some incantations and then they made decrees on what they want to happen to their unsuspecting victim and the evil spirit carried out this decree.
The keywords to focus on in this post are Blood, Sacrifice, Incantations, Spirits, and Decrees.
Now how does this relate to us Christians, I have come to realize that truly we suffer due to lack of knowledge. Now when we pray to God in Jesus' Name we get answers because of the blood of Jesus which has been shed and therefore God has to answer any prayer in that name according to His will and word (you can't be praying evil prayers stoppit!).
Now God has made us rejuvenated spirits, gods of this world to reign as kings and priests. When we feast on the Word (Jesus Flesh) daily and trust this word 100% through using it through prayer, meditation and obedience (Drinking the blood) we are spiritually eating the flesh and drinking the blood hence we have life and power flowing more in us when we do these things.
The more flesh and blood a spirit consumes the more powerful it becomes and the more powerful its decrees will be. Also the more authority a spirit has the more powerful its decrees. Now just like Baptism is majorly a spiritual event but still needing a physical manifestation to be complete, so is the communion. When we partake of the Holy Communion we bring about the physical manifestation of this act thereby accessing the power and authority of Jesus Himself. You are imbibing his DNA and therefore when you make a decree the heavens, earth and underworld will respond to you as though it was Jesus Himself speaking. And what's more powerful is this, when the occult offer blood to evil spirits the purer and more innocent the blood the more power will be released during the decree that's why they use the blood of virgins and babies when they want to do major damage instead of the blood of animals. SO as Christians the blood offered for us is the purest blood ever Jesus Blood, therefore it releases the most amount of power in the universe both when asking God for anything and when making decrees after the communion.
So when you take the communion as a Christian offer incantation by praying in tongues and then begin to make decrees that are in line with God's Word, some things we ask God for are actually meant to be handled by decrees because they have been put under our dominion. If the decree isn't in line with the word then no show but if it is Angels will begin to move in obedience even demons will be forced to obey these decrees and most importantly your own body will begin to obey this decrees. If you need examples of how powerful these decrees are read about Jesus in the four gospels, commanding a storm to be still, commanding sickness to leave, commanding a dead man to life, the list goes on.
Mark 11:22-24
22“Have faith in God,” Jesus said to them. 23“Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him. 24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.…
Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
When it comes to Spiritual warfare, no evil person is allowed to touch you unless they can offer blood that's purer than the blood of Jesus, else they are insulting your dominion in Christ because of your ignorance basically you are the one allowing them to attack you. Understand that the world was created by words of faith, therefore, nothing going on around your life is a coincidence, it is a result of someone's words spoken in faith for or against you. You must begin to also speak, words of Faith are the programming codes to influence the world we see, if you don't speak over your life someone else will help you to lol (Check out the rice experiment to see how powerful words are ). When attacked simply present the blood and the name of Jesus and He will be your defense against any power in the universe but don't attack any Spiritual deity without being led by the Holy Spirit to do so it can be very dangerous.
Please remember if you aren't living a life that reflects Christ and dwells consistently in the word and in trusting God in prayer then the physical communion will not be effective for your life, don't fool yourself.
So with this knowledge be bolder in asking God for things and begin to walk as a King & Queen in Christ by using the power of the communion and decrees in absolute Faith to shape your world, make changes in your life, family, business and nation for good (Added tip this is even more effective if used when fasting because your spirit is more active then).
May Gods Grace and Love continually keep us, Amen.
PS. To understand what Faith is better and its role I will upload a post on it soon, stay tuned.
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