CREATING YOUR STAGE (With a focus on Entrepreneurship)

What does it mean to create your stage? If you have ever seen the movie ‘The Greatest Showman’, you will find an apt example of a man who created his stage.

Creating your stage can be broken down into 5 points:
1. Understanding your uniqueness in God’s stage.
2. Knowing the Problem you were born to solve.
3. Equipping yourself with Value.
4. Producing an idea that solves the problem.
5. Solving the problem

Before moving on, it is pertinent to understand that any stage created out of God’s Grand plan is a waste and you only live once "YOLO". Also, your stage must be founded in love.


Our Focus Scripture: John 3:16 (KJV)

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God so loved the world that He gave a solution to the problem of Mankind named Jesus
Now put your name where Jesus’ Name is. For God so loved the world that he gave (your name) to it. 
What does this mean?

It means you are not a mistake! God needs you, and the world needs YOU! The problem is when the purpose of a thing is not known ABUSE is inevitable. Which brings us back to 

Point number 1 Understanding your uniqueness in God’s stage 

As numerous as we are in this world, each one of us has a fingerprint unique to us alone. Everyone in the world alive and has ever lived in their billions never had and will never have the same fingerprint. So, Never Compare Yourself With Others. You're an original not a counterfeit. It is only ‘Aba-made’ products you compare with the original. YOU were born original! (Aba is a place in Nigeria popularly known for the production of imitative products and goods).

Point number 2: Knowing the Problem you were born to solve’

We all have a problem we were born to solve. We are unique, but the way to figure out what each one of us is here for starts with God. Knowing God and His word. Ask of the Lord and He will reveal things to you. God has a stage and here is a picture of what it looks like.
There is a grand puzzle and each person is ‘one part’ of this puzzle. The stage we are to create is one piece of this puzzle. Know the problem you're born to solve. Find your place in the grand puzzle. This means in simple words, ‘know your purpose’.

Your purpose is broken down into 2 parts: Mission and Ministry.

Mission is the assignment God has called you to do for the world and Ministry is that which God has called you to do for the body of Christ/Church. (I would like to recommend a book called: Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, it expands this concept excellently)

Here’s a hint into what the problem we are born to solve is:
The problem you complain about the most in the world and in the church is the one you were born to solve. That is the reason you just can't stand it. It deeply annoys you, because within you is the solution to it. So, search within and write down what you find from this.

Point 3. Equip yourself to produce Value:

Once you have known God, now its time to know yourself and to that knowledge, add value. Now, adding value doesn't just mean getting a degree, it means learning soft skills, public speaking, writing, reading quality books, learning emotional intelligence, attending seminars, volunteering in places that add value to you, developing your brand, polishing your diction and so on. The period between ages 18-25years is not a time to chase money, it is a time to grow in value!

And here is something to note:
Jobs look for people with value, money chases after people of value.

Point number 4: Produce an Idea to Solve the Problem

This is what we call a business’ vision. (we have entered entrepreneurship now). This vision requires you to pray earnestly, think deeply, research this problem you can't stand, check how others have tried to solve it and the idea that is yours will come forth. Every great business must start with an idea. The purpose of this is not to produce chin-chin or puff-puff sellers or traders. This is for those businessmen/women who are building for something greater than just money.

The first thing to do once you get the idea is to write it down

Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV)
And thee Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Many of us have ideas in our heads but we leave it there. Write your ideas down. Writing down an idea for some reason gives it life. You see, God had us in His mind before creation, but until he molded us from dust we couldn't receive the breath of life. When you write out your idea, then life comes into it. This is what we now develop into the first thing we need for a successful business after getting the idea. It is called a Business Plan. My father always says "If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail." As ancient and widely quoted as this statement is, it is just the fact.

The next thing to need to do is Count the cost & Test your market

Count the cost of what it will take you to bring this idea to full manifestation. Its also called a Financial Plan.

After, begin to use family, friends, those in the community to test your product or service (it can be for free). If they all love it, then you know you have a good market.

Check online to find out if your target market uses social media. (Don't waste Instagram and Twitter; these are good places to test your market).

As soon as that is done, Get a team & Brand your services. You can't succeed or get to the top alone. Look for those who believe in your idea/dream and build together.

Also, brand your business. Get a logo, business card, social media handles and publicize yourself, use fliers. People can't buy what they don't know exists, so get all your friends to tell all their friends and let those ones tell their friends too.

Once you’re done with that? Register your business with CAC. If you don't, someone else can steal your idea and business name, register it and that’s the end. Your idea plans and ultimately your business is taken away from you.

(One truth to know is, you don’t exactly need a degree for entrepreneurship. This doesn’t mean you should not get a degree. A degree is a necessity as it opens your mind to countless opportunities and gives a platform to connect with people, learning essential skills for survival as an individual.)

Finally, once the money starts to come in, do not forget God, your loved ones and those who supported you in different forms and ways.
Also, Tithe and give. Givers will never lack, don't spend lavishly on yourself, save and bless lives.

To conclude, here are FOUR Idea killers to avoid.

1. Staying in your comfort zone:
Nothing good comes out of staying there, don't be afraid launch out, if you fail, pick yourself up, re-strategize, and fire again.

2. Giving Excuses: 
Don't live a life where you keep giving excuses and not taking responsibility. Grow up! The world will not be always sunshine and rainbows but an entrepreneur must be tough-minded and take the blame for his/her mistakes. (Read this Book "No Excuses" by Brian Tracy)

3. Self-reliance:
Make sure you always rely on God for your decisions and also seek help from mentors in the field of your business. Wisdom is profitable to direct. You can't get to the top alone.

4. Bad company:
If you have friends who have no future ambition, your own ambition may never rise. Find people who are thinking big, people who are invested in your success.

Please note, You are not a mistake. God needs you and the world needs you. For God so loved the world that He sent you, an original. Complaints, Bad friends, Excuses and your comfort zone can kill your dreams.

Lastly, You cannot get to the top alone. You need God and good people. If everyone reading this created their stage, Nigeria will change in 20 years to a nation that is envied and seen as absolutely blessed.


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