What Is Truth?
Over 2,000 years ago, shortly before Jesus was crucified, one of history's most important religious and philosophical discussions took place:
Jesus declared before Pilate, "I came to bear witness to the truth, and everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." (John 18:37)
Pilate responded with a profound question: "What is truth?"
Today, truth has become a rare and priceless commodity. We live in a post-truth age, where bold and consistent assertions can be accepted as truth, regardless of their accuracy.
If a fool, well-dressed and aesthetically appealing, speaks confidently, consistently, and convincingly enough, people will believe them. This is the intellectual and moral decay we have descended into—where feelings and personal opinions have become a benchmark for truth. However, we must redefine truth: it is not about agreeing with an idea or creating a version that makes us feel better. We must put feelings aside and seek truth, no matter how uncomfortable or challenging it may be.
Defining Truth
While I don't claim expertise on this subject, I'd like to offer my perspective on the nature of truth. Though it can be defined in various ways, here is my interpretation:
1. Truth is Universal.
Truth can be understood as a universal law that yields consistent results when applied correctly within the appropriate context. It represents verified facts reached after countless tests and observations. If it produces the same results regardless of who applies it, then it is truth.
Consider the mathematical certainty that one plus one equals two. No matter how you write it or in which language you express it, the sum remains the same—that is truth.
2. Truth is Undeniable Knowing.
Truth resonates with the body, soul, and spirit. While this type of truth may lack scientific proof, it is deeply known. Man is not just flesh and blood afterall, we are trapatite beings.
A person may deceive themselves, but when faced with this metaphysical truth, every part of their being recognizes it. It may be uncomfortable, even resisted, but deep down, the soul knows—this is truth.
The Power of Truth
Consider a well-documented experiment with young elephants. Trainers would tie them to sturdy poles with thick ropes. Day after day, the elephants struggled to break free, but lacking the strength, they eventually gave up. Over time, they accepted their fate—believing this was simply how life was.
Years later, these elephants grew into powerful creatures capable of uprooting trees with ease. Yet, when tied with the same rope, they never tried to escape—not because they couldn’t, but because they believed they couldn’t. This is how elephants are conditioned in domesticated spaces.
Now, imagine one day, the elephant saw a dog pull out a similar pole from the ground. Knowing fully well that this dog was far weaker, it saw the rope it had always feared for what it truly was: weak, insignificant, and powerless. With one effortless pull, the rope snapped.
In that moment, the elephant didn’t just step forward—it embraced freedom. And in that realization, it discovered the greatest force of all: truth.
> "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32 KJV)
This is the power of truth. Let’s explore it deeper.
Truth is one of the most powerful forces in the world—lifting people from lack to abundance, transforming lives, and shaping the rise and fall of empires.
Yet, this truth is under attack.
According to a 2021/2022 UNESCO report, 85% of the global population has experienced a decline in press freedom in the past five years, underscoring how information is increasingly controlled.
This highlights the importance of truth in our society. Truth is the most heavily guarded thing in the world because of its power to free people, and it's a known fact that free people are hard to control.
Ravi Zacharias once said, "The truth is so precious that it is often surrounded by a bodyguard of lies." Those in power understand its value, which is why truth is often distorted, censored, and hidden.
This underscores the importance of seeking and promoting truth in our society.
Why Are We Living in a Post-Truth World?
What’s the problem? While many factors contribute, two major obstacles stand out.
1. People are too lazy to fact-check.
We hear something and, instead of verifying it, accept it at face value. Searching for truth is like digging for gold—it requires effort, and many prefer to avoid the hard work. As a result, misinformation spreads on a massive scale.
2. The fear of questioning widely accepted beliefs.
It's daunting to ask, "Is this really true?" Mob mentality can be intimidating, and those who dare to question the narrative risk being canceled, attacked, or ridiculed.
Different scenarios unfold: you hear a story, you ask if it’s true, and suddenly you're under fire. No one wants to be attacked for simply questioning what is presented as truth.
These are the two main obstacles I have observed, but we must be willing to overcome them and put in the work to uncover the truth.
Calling All Truth Seekers
For centuries, humanity has been held back by lies—lies designed to control us and keep us from reaching the fullness of what the Creator intended. The highest potential of being human may be found in understanding the profound truth of our design: we are three bodies in one. I will speak to this later.
This is a call to all truth seekers and light bearers: let us seek truth for what it is. Together, we can help each other attain freedom in every area of our lives—be it financial, mental, spiritual, or beyond. Ultimately, humanity yearns for one thing: the freedom to live authentically and be our truest selves.
So, I ask you to consider these questions:
What is Truth?
What price are you willing to pay to find Truth?
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