Nigeria the Gadara of our Time
This is a Lesson God taught me from Message by Apostle Joshua Selman.
Key Scriptures:
- Story of Mad man of Gadara (Mark 5:1-20)
- Story of Jesus being tempted by the devil. (Matthew 4:1-11)
Until now I never saw this, thank God for Apostle Joshua Selman.
It suddenly became clear to me one of the reasons Nigeria is the way it is. With so much potential to be a light to the world by its great people and resources.
In the story of the Mad man of Gadara we saw something. Jesus came in, casted out a legion of demons, the demons asked to be sent Into pigs and He agreed meaning they must have had a legal authority over the pig business in that area. Follow me....
When the people of the land with their leaders came and saw this mad man healed and saw their pigs gone they asked Jesus, Jesus the great light that other cities were too happy to have, they asked Him to leave.
Why? Didn't they want more deliverance, didn't they want the word and Righteousness? Didn't they want their families to experience more great miracles?
NO! Because the leaders of the land and by extension the people had become wealthy by the spiritual negotiations with demons and were afraid they will loose their wealth. Therefore they asked Jesus to leave.
This means just as Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and asked Him to bow so we can give him the kingdoms.... Satan had done the same for the leaders of the land and they bowed to Satan who now became the source of their wealth. The mad man of Gadara was collateral damage, part of the agreement which was to ensure the Evangelist and Deliverer of the land was suppressed, useless, tormented, poor and mad.
Look at Nigeria can you see the similarities? Can you see why good men are rejected from leadership? Can you see why the people are under torment? Because its part of the agreement guys. They can't just be Rich and Powerful, part of the agreement is that they must ensure the future of the nation and its light are suppressed and tormented. Can you see why it seems like to be successful you have to bow down to evil? Because those who are ahead did so, we have a system of corruption because those ahead have made an agreement on behalf of the people of the land. This extends to the people, those who have aligned with the system won't want things to change, they may not be the highest beneficiaries but this system is all they've known as the way to put food on the table.
Now it seems like we are being delivered from the demons that held us down, awakened that things can and should be better but let's not forget, the powers that be may have sold their souls therefore they will fight you or ask you to leave we can see what happened in October 2020. Japa favours them, at least you are not there to disturb them again.
What this means is... Intercede greatly for the lights of the land to be delivered from torment in their numbers. This mental and spiritual darkness! So we can begin to shine and push back. But also remember we will have to forgive these leaders, let them know their fears of their children suffering for what they have done won't be carried out by our hands. No that is in Gods hands, yes they will face the Justice of the Law but they must also see the light and see what Jesus offers is so much better than the deal they made, give them an opportunity to see this and change their hearts.
This will ensure Peace for generations, but if we take revenge into our own hands soon we will become the leaders we removed. Vengeance gradually turns us into people who torment others and once it becomes your person you will also bow to Satan because you can't walk with God that way.
*Now is there Hope?* Oh yes. Nigeria has been prophesied to have a total turn around. But It won't be automatic.
Jesus agreed to leave Gadara but He had delivered a deliverer who will now be expected to deliver others. The delivered man wanted to follow Jesus but Jesus asked Him to stay there and spread the good news. News that you can be sane and successful without bowing to Satan because a greater power is here that makes rich and adds no sorrow.
For us who have been delivered what must we do to deliver our land?
1. Spread the good news of what Jesus has done for us while also creating portals for angels to ascend and descend on the land. A portal is created by consisted prayers and true worship in a place.
2. Interceed for the Nation valiantly. Asking Heaven to invade earth in every community and home exposing the system and works of darkness so all may see. Ask God to bring deliverance to more deliverers in every community. Ask God to touch the hearts of these leaders some may change sides by Gods mercy. And finally asking God to unite all deliverers so they will collaborate instead of compete.
3. Use the deliverance you have recieved combined with Hard Work to build wealth in the land. To be proof even to the leaders that you don't need to bow down to Satan to be wealthy. This is very key. Let your finances flow based on Heavens economy not earth.
4. Find other deliverers that are oppressed and bound and deliver them too. And I don't mean just spiritually.
Find those oppressed spiritually and deliver them. Find those with great ideas that can change their communities and assist them with wealth, find those who are oppressed with ignorance and open their eyes.
4. Unite, work together and become leaders in the land from the lowest levels to the highest. If you have to serve the leaders to influence them for good do so. Some will work from outside and some will work from inside, point is stay united.
5. When God gives you victory give Him the glory and be Merciful to your oppressors as God has been Merciful to you. Remember vengeance will repeat the cycle, leave vengeance to God alone.
Message by Apostle Joshua Selman:
God Bless Nigeria 🇳🇬
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