My Nigeria, My Thoughts, My Hopes

I hardly speak about Nigeria publicly but I can't run away from the fact that I truly love this Nation and look towards her best interests. Many Nigerians- both home and abroad are frankly quite unhappy with how things currently are; no need to outline all the issues, they are clear for all to see. 

Many wish they were born in other countries or originated from other races, but this morning a realization about life hit me. You don't choose who your parents are, you are simply born to one. Some end up with wealthy and good parents who raise them well and buy them Ferraris, while others may be born to very poor parents, some to very irresponsible and abusive parents but who our parents are does not totally determine who we should become as adults. We have the right and choice to take full responsibility to work on ourselves in such a way that any child born to us by random selection gives God thanks daily that they were born to us. The same thing goes for Nigeria. We didn't choose to be born here, but here we are!

An honest look at Nigeria can be seen as an irresponsible father with many wives. Every child takes the side of their own mother and despises or takes no reverence of the children of the other wives. God in His wisdom and mercy has made us to be here, this means He has put in us what it takes to turn things around for the better, like the quote says: "Heroes are born in a time of trouble, not peace".

We need to grow up! Our fathers are old, mothers are old; therefore it is up to the children to determine what our family should become and be known for. We need to put away the family feuds and brighten the light into what unites us rather than what divides, we need to as citizens ask ourselves what we can do for the nation rather than what the nation can do for us; in our communities, let us fix what we can. 

If every Nigerian did something to make his community better weekly, the country will take a positive outlook. It's about the children taking responsibility for what the nation should be known for and not wait for the government. The government too shouldn't think they are exempted from this; they have a responsibility to make Nigeria a conducive environment for Peace and Progress. That a title is attached to your name doesn't make you higher than our family Name; you are a Nigerian! Anything done to tarnish the family name is on you as well. 

Everyone was born with gifts and talents, use it to make Nigeria better, use your profession as well. The musicians, actors, doctors, religious leaders, teachers, traditional rulers, every sector can do something to help produce a Nation of Peace and Progress. 

I pray that in 10 years' time the citizens who share the same surname (Nigerians) would have made this nation proud in the world. They would have taken full responsibility for their little pieces of the country and made it better one act at a time. Not for personal gain but so that the children born to us are grateful to God, grateful to us, and proud to be called NIGERIANS. 

God bless Nigeria and God bless her Citizens.


  1. Powerful Thank you for this. I can't wait to see the transformation that happens within 10 years. I am a proud Nigerian.


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