Purpose & The Test of Patience
The test of patience cannot be overemphasized. We often put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve unrealistic goals in the shortest time possible.
Also, we compare the progress of others with ours, when we don't all have the same life span or purpose.
We gotta chill out sometimes and also stop the comparisons.
Here are a few cases of waiting and working after purpose discovery, before manifestation.
- From when David was first anointed king to when he was actually crowned King of Isreal was between 15 to 22 years according to theologians.
- Moses who was the deliverer of Isreal from slavery in Egypt had a waiting period of 40yrs.
- Denzel Washington (My Fav Actor Ever!) got a prophecy of greatness at a young age. But from his first failed audition to finally landing his first top role as an actor took him 30yrs.
There are a few outliers who achieved the peak of purpose at a very young age, but one trend i found is that a good number of them didn't live long lives or didn't have a long peak period hence their waiting periods were reasonably shorter. E.g. Alexander the Great.
Although, people have very varied waiting periods the point is Don't Give Up, just keep at it till it bursts forth.
Have a great week ahead 😊
God bless you for this!