Fishers of Men, But what's the Bait?
What's the Bait?
So I have a question. It came to my mind while doing the dishes some weeks back.
Question breakdown:
Jesus made us fishers of men right ? I.e he's relating catching fish with catching men.
Question breakdown:
Jesus made us fishers of men right ? I.e he's relating catching fish with catching men.
Okay then, So how do people catch fish ?
Two ways that i know of:
1. Fishing rod and line with a hook and bait.
2. With a large net laying for days with baits to catch in bulk.
Now, the question that came to my mind is this:
"What is the bait used to catch men ???"
Because we seem to have the fishermen, rod, line, net, boats (churches) but whats the bait ?.
As i thought about it i entered a discussion with my friend Esther (Heavily anointed lady) and as we discussed under the Holy Spirits teaching cloud these points and answers below were produced:
1. God has to permit the fish to bite the bait else the fisherman is wasting his time. I.e (no one comes to the son except the father draws him.
*BUT* God won't tell a fish to go to a hook with no bait, so you must have your bait.
2. There are different baits for different types of fish. Unless you get to know the fish very well you won't know the bait for it.
Baits are different for different classes, cultures, age groups, and types of people.
3. A bait is something that's extremely attractive. It is something the fish both wants and needs. I mean there's a hook and yet they still bite so it must be a special delicacy.
4. The Bait is Excellence and the hook is the Word of God in Powerful Manifestation (As preaching, deep teaching, signs and wonders, comfort and encouragement, the wisdom of God) coupled with True Agape Love.
You must have all three to be a successful Fisher of men.
Thank you Holy Spirit for making all three available to us.
5. How do we move from being a rod to becoming a net so we can catch more fish (Men)?
To move from a being a rod and line to being a net what must you do ?
You must have growing intimacy with the Holy Spirit. That relationship births Gods Love in you, Gods Word manifesting and understanding in you, and Gods Excellence radiating in all you do. The more intimate you are with the Holy Spirit the bigger a net you become.
The word of God in you becomes like fire in your bones, the compassion of God in you will pull you to men, the Excellence of God in you will pull people to seek God in you. You will be an incurable soul winner and mentor.
Another question from here is how do we even develop intimacy with the holy spirit?
This is the biggest question. In fact the answer to this is the key to unlocking all that's necessary to become a super bait in this time and age. That deep personal relationship or with God.
I have heard different answers from different preachers but is that all there is to it?
The major point they make from the word (draw near to God and He will draw near to you) is the more time you spend with God in prayer "communicating" not just cliche prayers, the more intimate you become with Him and the more you become like Him.
E.g Daniel, he prayed three times a day unfailingly. Men and women who are powerful baits and hooks almost always have an uninterrupted prayer time with God daily.
But there's one more thing. You cant build a relationship with someone you don't exactly like right ? It will be quite stressful. I have realized people who are intimate with God have a special hunger for God that was God given and not by the works of man.
So we have to pray for a deep hunger and love for God which will propel us into seeking God like David did. I pray God grant us all this request in Jesus Name.
Finally on Excellence to expatiate. Excellent churches attract more people, i mean excellence in how organised they are, beautification, great sound, and most importantly excellent WORD that actually changes the lives of the members. As an individual you need to be excellent in looks, diction, personal achievements, hard work, deep understanding of the word etc etc
From Daniels life we can break down excellence into four qualities which combined makes an excellent person.
1. Faithfulness
2. Diligence
3. Wisdom
4. Going the extra mile
Practical steps to become excellent still from Daniels Life:
1. Have a consistent prayer time daily that nothing interrupts.
2. Don't complain about problems, only focus on providing solutions.
3. Live a Holy life as best as you can.
4. Always humble yourself before God admit you're nothing without Him no matter the praise men give you always give God the glory.
5. Learn to trust in God 100% no matter the situation always believe all things work together for your good. Rely on the Holy Spirit for everything listen to His leadings and follow immediately.
6. Surround yourself with excellent friends. Iron sharpens iron.
7. Have a strong sense of responsibility. Never have to be forced to work hard.
8. Develop integrity. Let your yes be yes and no be no. If you agree to do something be faithful in it and go the extra mile.
9. Excuses are the enemy of excellence. Never let any excuse be enough to stop you from being excellent. Take excuses off the table, there are people who performed better than you and were in worse situations.
10. Learn to be proactive where necessary, take the initiative. Wherever you are or whatever group you're in always think *"what can I do to improve this place ?, how can I help ?, how can I make things easier for my leaders?"* don't be only focused on what can I get get get. Be a better giver than receiver.
11. Never stop learning. Read books and biographies to improve yourself. Pay the price in fasting, reading, attend seminars.
12. Self improvement is a must, learn good etiquette, learn to dress classy, smell classy, hair, nails, etc. Learn a language whatever would make you more useful to your world and is in line with your purpose.
13. Have your purpose clearly stated and walk in it, don't divert or try to do everything. Stay focused.
14. Study the book of proverbs and Mathew to gain wisdom. Don't just be a hearer be a doer of the word.
15. Work hard to be the best at all you do. Don't settle for average anymore only focus on being the best. Go the extra mile it's not oversabi its what our generation needs its how to become a dominion.
May God grant the grace to fulfill all these in Jesus Name.
Thank God and Thanks Esther.
Thank God and Thanks Esther.
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