Book Review (Practical Spiritual Warfare) by Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Chapter 1 Review (Key Points)

1. There is a constant battle with the enemy and we must always be battle ready. The first thing the devil hits is your prayer life because once he can bring it down he can get you easily so build a hedge around your prayer life.

2. The devil will look to attack everything good in your life hence you must always build a hedge around it in prayer. your body, prayer life, marriage, children, business, ministry, fresh revelation, grounds gained, education etc must all have hedges built around them in the place of prayer.

3. Prayer build the love of God in a mans heart hence making him live above sin. Anyone who doesn't pray has decided to enter into temptation because prayer keeps you from falling into temptation.

4. The first sin a Christian commits is prayerlessness, once u commit the sin of prayerlessnes you will be able to easily commit all other sins.

5. The only enemy we have is the devil, no flesh and blood is the enemy therefore anytime you see anyone manifesting evil you are to pray against the evil spirit at work upon the person.

6. There are three battles, one is to take the matter to God, next is to face the devil and command him to take his hands off what or who you're praying for, then pray the prayer of mercy and that the spirit of repentance will lead the person back to God.

Never face men, face the devil whose pulling the strings behind. The devil has successfully turned the church against each other in bitterness, jealousy malice and unforgiveness by making them focus on attacking one another when they should be attacking him in prayer. If your fellow believer hurts you badly understand that his your own body in Christ and attack the devil that misled or is at work upon him and pray for him because his salvation is at stake. Pray for his heart to be softened so he can repent and restitute because the devil hardens the hearts of those he leads into sin.

Once you gain victory in prayer it will manifest in the physical.

7. Whenever you send a fellow believer away due to his sin or shortcoming you leave him in the hands of the devil and that will advance the kingdom of darkness not the kingdom of God we are to intercede until the person is saved again and minister the ministry of reconciliation to him.

8. Don't fight your wife if shes stubborn, fight the spirit that's making her stubborn etc. If your husband is an alcoholic attack the spirit of alcoholism not him. Else you destroy your marriage.

9. Every believer is part of the body of Christ therefore we are inseparable. Any sin committed by any believer is in sense my own sin too, any failure of any believer is in sense my own failure. Therefore i will fiercely fight the devil for harming my own body not fight myself. I will not rest until the person is restored fully even if its me who they hurt.
I will rebuke all those who go around exposing the sins of my brother or sister because they are exposing my my own sins and failures too.
I will intercede with Love even if the fellow does not love me and i will say nothing negative behind his back because i belong to all believers and all believers belong to me, we are bound together forever and we have only one common enemy the devil and all our weapons will be used to face only him. (Most of these are the writers own words a bit paraphrased, he kept using I, I, I)

10. Every unbeliever on earth is a potential saint, the devil is the one hindering the sinner from accepting Jesus, he's the one hindering the believer from becoming a saint therefore we are to wage war upon the devil and accuse the devil not the unbeliever, instead of complaining about the acts of the person we are to complain to God about what the devil is doing in his life. We are to protect the unbeliever in prayer till they are saved and break the hold of the devil violently until we win them all from his hands and so the Holy Spirit can convict him/her.

In essence evangelism is first of all spiritual warfare before speaking the word and after speaking the word.

Bloggers Comments: I prayed that no unbeliever i'm meant to win is allowed to die until i win them to Christ and God should help me have a powerful and unbreakable prayer life.



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