The Story Of A King

The world revolves around God not us.
The center of the universe isn't earth but His throne.
History isn't about us, its His-Story.
The one who rules from eternity, never to be held by time or space.
The King chose to draw man close to His heart.
Out of the vast expanse of the universe he chose a little blue plannet.
He made man from the dust of it.
Gave him a world to call his own.

But He fell into sin, outdone by the serpents deceptive hiss.
He broke the heart of the King
He lost his connection to his creator, the bridge was broken.
But the loving King didn't give up.

He sent His own son from the Spirit to flesh.
The first of His kind, the full combination of divinity and humanity.
He came to show us the way the truth and life all which are in His essence.
He was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities.
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.
And by His stripes we are healed.
A sacrifice once and for all on the old rugged cross.

More than a prophet, more than a teacher and healer.
He is also the Savior of souls
The redeemer of the lost
The helper of the helpless
The Word of God
The resurrection and the life
The Son of the Most High God.

Before He Ascended to Return again someday.
He gave us His Spirit.
The Spirit connected directly to the mind of the King.
Gave us a direct link to the fathers mind.
A chasm of the Omniscient One.
There is a piece of the King in all men crying out to be connected back to its source.
It's maker.
Accept or Deny you feel it, a knowing that you were made for more than just the few years on this planet.
We lost the way in Eden but the bridge has been rebuilt, the name of that bridge is JESUS.

We do not pray to the son but to the Father; our King in the Sons name.
Even the son prays for us to the Father.
His blood and His name became a legal signature to full access to the King by His death and resurrection.
This transcends the boundaries of religion, politics, race, or gender.
This is a matter of your soul and it's end, your souls begging and its chosen destination.
This is the Fathers invitation to all mankind to His table, assuring of His unconditional love.
No matter how much sin you have committed, he will forgive them all.

Daily His heart cry to us is "Come back home child, come home."

If you don't believe this story from an imperfect mam, why not ask the  Perfect King yourself, he's too never far away.

Accept JESUS today John 3:16.

Stay Blessed


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