The Love Resturant
(As revealed by the Holy Spirit)
Imagine a very nice Resturant wth the most diverse and lovely food you've ever seen. Everyone in the world has a seat reserved for them in that Resturant so it's massive and exotic too.
Now here is what happens when you take your seat, you will be asked to wait while your special meal specially planned for you to perfection is being prepared. Now the more complex your special the longer you may have to wait also the time you enter the love restraint matters , if u enter too early u may have to wait longer (entering love by 13-14yrs old).
God is the chef and owner of the Resturant by the way.
Now some get impatient because of hunger and also the pressure from seeing some around them who they even know closely eating and enjoying their specials already. Unfortunately there are some around the who are eating junk food to at least have something in their stomach wile waiting for their special. Now this junk food is all the useless relationships we keep having that amount to nothing and only leave us heart broken and emotionally sick.
If ur already filled with junk food, by the time your special comes along you have no more space for it, you aren't even hungry anymore so the special either goes to waste, or u just manage two spoons and leave the Resturant unhappy and full of crap. Some just sit with the special staring at it but not able to enjoy its benefits, then they begin to play wth their food (abuse their husbands or wives or cheat on them)
Your special is the wonderful person God has prepared for you to spend the rest of your life with but we have eaten so much junk that we now loose sight of the best God has prepared. Only the hungry people who waited will enjoy their special the most.
The remedy for those who are filled with junk and need help is first of all leave the Resturant , go and use the toilet to remove the junk how ? By deep prayer and the word, exercise by fasting and prayer to loose that weight, be renewed by falling in love with God alone and then you'll be ready for your special.
God Bless.
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